Main pros of Ugloo software

Thanks to its exclusive and patented architecture, Ugloo will allow you to:

  1. store your data
  2. over the medium/long term
  3. in a safe, secure and cyber-attack resistant way
  4. at a reasonnable cost
  5. on-premises, and/or in the Cloud
  6. over one/many sites

Optimize your storage costs!

Cost optimization

Ugloo is a software solution that works with any commodity hardwareOn-premises, in the Cloud, or even on your fleet of workstations.


Resilient et secure storage

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Easy to use!

Simple and efficient

Ugloo is a modern solution: the configuration and orchestration of the cluster are largely automated.



Ugloo is a versatile software, which can be deployed on heterogeneous commodity hardware.
Whether On-premises, in the Cloud, with a more or less traditional hoster, or even on your fleet of workstations.
Whether on physical machines, VMs, or on a container platform.
Ugloo knows how to respond to any need for object storage.

Digital sovereignty 🇫🇷

Digital sovereignty